Ruminations on the death of Pat Robertson

Originally posted by Rachel Tompkins. Reposted by permission. by Elizabeth Dilley This poem was written by my dear friend K on the occasion of Pat Robertson’s death. It’s as profoundly theological as anything my clergy colleagues have shared, and certainly more theologically robust than anything I could say about it. I’m posting because I’m going …

Morning ritual 

I walked outside this morning to stretch. Naked. Fully exposed if any neighbor happened to be up and look my way. I held my balls on my right hand. I used the fingertips of my left to encircle the corona of penis.  I looked to the sky and performed this small ritual by reciting:  “I …

Praise Phallus My God

I worship cock that excites me. I praise God with my lips that touch the shafts that thickens are rises for desire to be worshipped and sucked. I bate with my brothers in unison for lust controls my need to suck, fuck, and be fucked. Thank you brothers who have shown me this worship of …

Focus on the Penis

GOOD MASTURBATOR, YOU’RE DOING EXACTLY WHAT YOU NEED TO BE DOING, NOTHING ELSE MATTERS Focus on the Penis. Focus on the pleasure. Nothing else matters except masturbation. You’re doing everything you need to be doing to be a good horny masturbator boy. Good horny masturbator boys play with their Penis; and if you want to …

Bating at Work

I couldn’t control my thoughts any more… I had to immediately leave the meeting I was in to get on here, scroll through some cock pics and bate my pervy dong. I’m sitting on the toilet, legs spread, drooling from my open mouth, pumping my thick erect PHALLUS, while my other hand scrolls and types …

Masturbation Partner

Someone who will tell you to jack off more, someone who will encourage you to jack off. Someone who will not only jerk themselves off but will jack you off as well. Someone to tease you and nudge you, to randomly reach over and start jerking your cock nice and hard to get you all …

Total Devotion to Masturbation

Sometimes, even sites for supposedly chronic masturbators, some guys will comment that you shouldn’t let your masturbation get to the point where it interferes with a “normal” life. I strongly disagree. I truly believe that you should masturbate as much as you want (or better, need) to and that more masturbation should always be encouraged …


This week has been an exciting time at “Men’s Oasis: Home to The Phallic Brotherhood”! The 6-foot hardwood Phalluses have arrived for “The Masturbatorium” — making the altar of worship complete! Tuesday night (9-22-2020) Brother Richard and I welcomed the representations of our Lord with a Holy ritual of candles, prayer, smudging, and masturbation with …

July 2020 Update

It’s July! I can’t believe it’s July 2020 already! My life has been turned upside down and back around again (over and over and over) — as is probably the case with most, if not all, of you — and we struggle to keep going. But we struggle and live and continue to do what …

The natural state of man

The natural state of man is to be absorbed in meditation or practice with Cock. Whatever draws the mind or soul of man away from its natural and primal immersion in Cock is an obstacle to the God-given purpose and function of male human life. Allow your thoughts and practice to follow their natural course: …